Work Based Learning Initiative


IGNOU is a large university set up by the Indian government to make learning available to everyone, especially those who might find it difficult to go to regular colleges. They use special methods like online learning or study materials you can use at home, so you can learn at your own pace. IGNOU has a vast network of Regional Centers, Study Centers, Program Centers, Partner Institutions and Overseas Centers. They offer degrees, training programs, and other resources to help people improve their skills and knowledge. IGNOU's main goals are:

  1. To let everyone have a chance to go to college.
  2. To make different kinds of good programs for people who need them.
  3. To make sure even people who don't have a lot of money can study.
  4. To make sure the education they give is top-notch and matches the best standards.
    For more info, check out:

About MKCL

MKCL is a high-tech initiative promoted by the Government of Maharashtra, India, in design, development and delivery of Education, Governance and Empowerment Technologies, Products, Solutions and Services to masses and has proven experience in the said fields.

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IGNOU MKCL Collaboration for Work-based Learning Initiative

IGNOU and MKCL recognize and agree that it is now imperative that due importance be given to Work-Based Education, as a result of which there is a proper match between the skilled manpower required and skilled workforce available, therefore

  1. The main purpose of this collaboration is to offer a Work-based program of studies at the Bachelor’s Degree Level for young aspiring professionals who want to pursue a bright career in services industry;
  2. The program leading to the award of graduate degree called Bachelor of Business Administration (Services Management) i.e. BBA (SM) attempts to create a degree program to source quality manpower to Service Sector Economy of India.